All posts by Alec Mediodia

IT Engineer on weekdays, Cook and Foodie on the weekends. Dog lover. Chocolate lover. On-the-side traveler. Writer. Reader. Naturally funny, or so I think.

2020, the year we all struggle to find what’s normal

May 1, 2020. Labor Day.

I decided to spend today sleeping at 2am trying to get in as much episodes of W: Two Worlds Apart because the Type A in me wanted to get the series overwith expecting a good dose of romance in a very interesting plot scheme. I loved the plot and setup, I still cringe how they executed the romantic elements. It’s the 48th day we’re in quarantine because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I had nowhere to go, so what better way to celebrate almost 5 years in the work force than by lying down all day and bingewatching KDrama on Netflix?

Tonight, after finishing Solteras (also available on Netflix, guys. I got a good laugh out of it) for the first time in so long, I felt bored. The empty kind of bored. I was in the shower, thinking what I would do after, when it dawned on me. I was bored and I didn’t want to watch anymore movies for the night. I didn’t want to play ROM. I was sleepy but I didn’t feel like sleeping yet. I was bored. I knew it was good to finally be bored. Then I remembered all the things that have happened since the past year up to now – and so so much has happened that only now had I found the time and headspace to sit down and write openly about it.

2019. We got the house renovated. It was big work done on the house, spent over 10 (starting February) months sleeping in the most uncomfortable conditions. Got promoted to Manager by April, had to make the 24/7 operations come to life for the business. In all those, had to juggle writing my dissertation with dedalines every quarter and fit some time to go to the gym. August, lost a loved one. Spent every Sunday of September grieving, dreading mass. October, my period started acting funny after 4 years of doing so well. November, 24/7 operations took off for the first time. December, we spent Christmas here in Manila after almost 10 years. It was quiet and a little sad. The first of the many Christmases that will never be the same again.

Woah, 2019. Too much, right?

2020. January, first week, submitted final draft dissertation. 2019 year-end reviews for the team. Taal erupted, causing a week or so for the entire team to work from home. Kobe died, saddest Monday since August 2019. Downloaded dating apps on my phone again. COVID-19 news outbreak. February, goal setting for the team, slightly paranoid with all the bad news from January. Everybody brings home their work laptops daily. March, entire Luzon quarantine, work from home: business as usual on the front, adjusting to new higher management on the back. Requested to pause my gym membership. Tried Yoga with Adriene daily as a work-ender activity. Revived my dating app profiles, but never religiously used them. April, still business as usual. Pajamas are the new work clothes. Reduced Yoga with Adriene sessions to 2-3 times a week. Received final dissertation results. I passed my MBA course.

And we’re back to today.

Wow, I can’t believe I went through and did all of that. There’s always something every month. And whenever I meet with friends, I always feel like I have nothing to say of what went on in my life. It always felt like it wasn’t that important to let them know about it. I’d mention some, but thinking back, I can’t recall providing in-depth, heart-to-heart, spill my guts conversations on any of those topics. But why?

Now that I’ve written it down, it feels like I haven’t been dealing with ‘normal’ for about a year now. Things seem to keep changing, the daily habits and schedules are there, but there are always variables that it all seems ‘normal’ to me now.

Everyone in my team is looking forward to get out of their houses after the government lifts the quarantine. I’m too comfortable that I don’t think of the day I’ll be able to get out of the gate again. It scares me that I’m too comfortable at home. I sometimes joke that I may come out socially awkward and decide to be a recluse after this community quarantine. It scares me that there’s some ounce of truth in that joke.

I’ve sat through a couple of mental health sessions for this pandemic – both friend recommended and company required ones. And I never found them useful. Because what I was in, already felt normal. I still work 40 (+2) hours a week. Still ate dinner with the family. Showered at 7. Fed the dogs. The routine was still there, only the daily commute was out. So I did not understand the buzz of ‘the new normal’ going on social media. Sure, frequency of washing hands increased and people using face masks, but they seemed logical – normal – called for – supposedly being done even without the pandemic.

I learned, though, that I hated casual video calls. Video calls that weren’t work-related or with family. I hate it. It feels awkward and I feel like I have to keep my face in check for some reason so I end up looking at myself more than the people I am talking to. I know you’re supposed to mimic like how it is if you were physically out with friends, but the lack of physical, tangible presence feels empty to me. Lol, is this me realizing I can’t do long distance relationships? I’m still laughing.

I applaud and envy my friends who are able to pull that off. But I have also realized I’m using this time for myself. Like, I’m genuinely enjoying spending time alone, doing things quietly, alone. Laughing, alone. Crying to KDrama, alone. The house is full but I’m enjoying my own little bubble here in my room, alone. And I find it funny that for someone who’s been called an extrovert by friends, acquaintances and MBTI personality tests, I’m enjoying all the disconnect time I am having. Is there something wrong with me? But this feels normal. No, correction, it feels right.

Is there really such a thing that’s normal? If you think about it, what happens today can not happen tomorrow. What you have now, you can not have tomorrow. What you do today, you can not do tomorrow. Are we placing too much expectations on ourselves and our surroundings that anything not in line with it, becomes not normal? If so, then that’s stressful. Maybe that’s when the struggle starts. Is it worth it though? Is it worth it to find ways to go back to yesterday’s normal? Or would enjoying the present while adapting for tomorrow be more worthwhile?

Maybe I’ll know tomorrow.



An anecdote on acceptance and adapting

I wasn’t feeling good about myself today – both mentally and physiologically. I was expecting to have enough energy to go to the gym after work today but I had a few trips to the toilet that by midday I gave up plans of going to the gym. I was mentally sulking that I was going off the rails on my fitness goals and some other thoughts about me being a bad person. Told myself maybe writing it out could help and found this draft I wasn’t able to finish. Little did I know today would be so timely to finish it.

Funny conversation that I had with my mom a few weeks ago. We were talking about shoes and for some reason, a memory came back. I told her, ‘I will never forget that morning I was tying my shoelaces and my fat ass couldn’t bend over and tie the damn thing and you screamed, faster you slowpoke!’

My mom was laughing at this point at my exaggerated reenactment and I continued, ‘Mom, now you know why I asked for velco sneakers for years after that!’ My fat self who couldn’t fucking breathe, bending over to tie my shoelace for P.E. class.

‘I didn’t want us to arrive late. We were running late.’

‘I was in trauma, I think,’ I said in between a fit of laughs. Trauma for my mom scolding me for being slow than for being fat as the reason for being slow.

‘Well, it forced you to adapt

and find a solution,’ my mom replied.

‘I can tie my shoelaces now. Thanks, mom’



Me before 2019 ends.

I have to write to get this out. Not sure if this is my hormones talking and me adjusting to the new meds but for the past week I have been obsessively watching Charlie Puth’s interview videos. The weirdest I have gone but he is a genius and his love and passion for what he is doing is just motivation to work. He’s like my new Elon Musk but for Music. My new favorite nerd. Hearing his talking voice has been the only one to soothe me. And that’s the weird thing. I enjoy his music, but I enjoy him talking more in his radio guestings. His voice has this vibration that’s so… soothing. To think I super hate really low round voices. I still jump if my dad says something out of the blue if I’m in a quiet room. I cried before at a Tae Kwon Do class because the coach had a big low voice that just wanted to make me cry. So this is a very refreshing and unexpected change of preference?

It has been a stressful week. My boss is out on vacation and then his boss comes asking for a report he wants my boss to take ownership. So I am left to do it. I sent my final response today at 2PM and I just wanted to flip my bed table. It felt like I just planned out my 2020 for work.

It doesn’t feel like a win. Now I am back to playing ‘Empty Cups’ on loop. Such a sexy song.

Ok back to work, 18 days before my dissertation deadline. I have to crush this deadline. I want to go back to the gym and just sweat.



Final Review of Alec’s Bucket List at 25

Five years ago, I created a bucket list of all the things that I wanted to accomplish when I turned 25. It sounded like the coolest thing to do at the time and looking back, I must say – what the hell was I thinking?!

I must have watched too much movies or read too many romance novels because the stuff on this list makes me seem like I was some adrenalin junkie wannabe. Now that I’m 25, with a little more wisdom than my 20-year-old self, I decided to review this list for the final time because I am retiring this list and creating a new one. I may carry over some stuff – the more sensible/applicable ones but for sure, I’m going to add new things. Then, after 5 years, let’s see where this takes me again. 🙂

Without further ado, scroll down to see the original list I made when I was 20 with the orange text my reaction in between 20-25 and the one in red my final review at 25.


Since I’ve hit the big 2-0, it’s about time I make a list of the things that I want to happen in my life, or wish that I want to happen that are non-academic. And I am really hoping that I have crossed out at least half of these things by the time I’m 25!

Update: Realized some are redundant so I joined them. Also realized alot of the stuff here have alot to do with jumping off of heights (what was I thinking, right?). We have 1.5 years – let’s see where this brings us.

  1. Go SKYDIVING! Part of me still wants to do this but when I googled how much this cost when I was planning my 2017 trip to Hong Kong — I backed out. I did not expect this to be expensive!!
  2. Go Bungee Jumping. Still keeping this, one of these trips I’ll get around to it.
  3. Learn SCUBA Diving. I realised I like to do this with a friend.
  4. Wear a bikini to the beach.  I did this July 2016 and I will be doing it again on August 2017! #nofear One of the best things on this list – and it gets easier as it goes. Did it again June and September 2018!
  5. Go snorkelling. 
  6. Swim with a Butanding (Whale-shark).   Changing 5 & 6 to something more worthwhile.
  7. Eat something exotic (ex. fried frog legs, Soup No. 5).  I am crossing this out with Stinky Tofu. Dear Lord, I think I would rather eat dinuguan(pig’s blood) any day than try Stinky Tofu again. I love food and tofu but eating this, moreso finishing that plate I bought, still makes me want to tear up remembering it. Super LOL to this experience – the one food you try to avoid eating the entire trip, you mistakenly order and eat for merienda. 
  8. Submit a Palanca entry or write a book or something. Maybe when I’m more experienced I’ll start trying this again.
  9. Plant a sapling. I think I did this before I was even 20 in one of my community service classes! Nevertheless, I’ve planted a lot of other stuff here at home in the past 3 years.
  10. Go on a Eurotrip with a travel buddy. Still a dream.
  11. Actually complete an online class. I bought 2 that I have never finished!
  12. Visit China with a Chinese friend.   January 2018! Went to Taiwan (which is technically part of the ROC, with a half-Chinese friend, lol. I will take what I can get)
  13. Bet on a basketball game and win. Still don’t know why I ever thought of trying to do this….
  14. Go to work on-time with a hang-over. or this…
  15. Experience a ‘Happy Thursday’ with college friends.  I went to my cousin’s bachelorette party — way lot of drinking than I expected!
  16. Bake a cake. Complete with icing.   Will one-up this by saying I tried starting a baking business with friends and learned a hell lot of stuff in that few months of selling online and in bazaars.
  17. Ride a Camel in Egypt. Or an Elephant in Thailand. Broke my heart when I saw the elephants in Thailand so I decided not to ride any more.
  18. Make friends with a stranger on a plane trip. Too much romance movies and novels did this to me..
  19. Invest in the stock market. Happy 1 year of investing! Keeping this up as long as I am working 🙂
  20. Fall in love. With life and with myself. It has been an amazing journey of self-discovery.


Sept 25: Quick Update

I was taking a shower tonight thinking what I should do before going to bed – whether to start editing home videos, edit my latest travel photos or write.

Then I remembered I had this! My beloved blog that I haven’t touched in forever! I also remembered I just turned 25 and it is about time I reviewed my bucket list page. I am thinking whether I should retire it…. make a new one or just add to it.

I realised I have so much creative things that I want to do that I have putting in the back burner… because I’ve been filtering myself too much. But I have to pick my butt up and start doing great things again. One day at a time. One good thing at a time.

I’m excited to go ahead and review that bucket list and write my thoughts on it. Like my very own midyear review.
