Tag Archives: wonder

Sophie’s World: It’s about not losing that wonder


I just started reading Sophie’s World for my Philosophy class (reading requirement). Started now since I wanted to read at my own pace and enjoy the book. I borrowed one of the library’s ancient copies – see the photo above. It’s a 1997 version, complete with the dog-eared pages.

Anyway, I’m done with chapter 2 which is still less than 20 pages but it was enough to get off my butt and write. Chapter 2 has made me a little guilty for being an adult and living the boring life of routine and work. Yup, I’m becoming the species going deeper into the rabbit’s fur. And I don’t want that. I don’t want that contentment that comes with the life of routine. I need to get that wonder back in my life.

Around the time I was 3, just before I started school, I vividly remember being a very curious kid. I was the brown kid talking in cartoon english that always asked ‘why?’ “Mommy, why is the sky blue? Why does it have to go this way, not the other?” and so on. Oh, I remember Mom got fed up with all my Whys that I got scolded at some point. I stopped asking her why. So, I learned to search the answers on my own. Discovering new things made more impact and were much remembered since I had to look for it – even if it was just typing a bunch of words in the Yahoo! and Google Search bars.

It went well for a time. And it wasn’t until recently that I realized I lost that spark of wonder. I think it happens when you have too much on your plate that you forget to enjoy what you’re actually eating. I’ve been trying to get back on track a.k.a writing here since this is what’s supposed to be about and it has been really difficult. I won’t lose hope.

I really hope reading this book brings back at least an ounce of that wonder and zest for life – and a 4.0 in my philosophy class. 😉

If you’ve read Sophie’s world and it has changed your outlook in life or if you’re a fan of the book, please talk to me on the comment box haha. Or share your experience 🙂

To bringing back wonder,